3.5kW-5.5kW MPPT Inverter ta 'Frekwenza Għolja
(Total 5 Products)-
Prezz ta 'Unità:USD 317 - 330 / OthersImballaġġ:Pakkett ta 'Esportazzjoni Standard
Prezz ta 'Unità:USD 398 - 423 / OthersImballaġġ:Pakkett ta 'Esportazzjoni Standard3.5kW 5.5kW Inverter Solari ibridu bi ħlas MPPT 100A built-in Multiplu Anles Nifhmu l-prodott minn angoli multipli Il-wiri LCD juri l-istatus tax-xogħol ta 'tagħbijiet USB / RS232 / GPRS / WIFI Interfzce GPRS / modulu tan-netwerk bla fili WIFI...
Prezz ta 'Unità:USD 435.6 - 440 / OthersTrasport:Ocean,Land,AirImballaġġ:Pakkett ta 'Esportazzjoni Standard
Prezz ta 'Unità:USD 310 - 350 / OthersTrasport:Land,OceanImballaġġ:Pakkett ta 'Esportazzjoni StandardAbbiltà tal-Provvista:3000 sets per monthProduttività:3000 sets per month3.5kW Inverter Solari Ibridu ta 'Frekwenza Għolja b'100A Kontrollur tal-Ħlas Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott Indiċi tekniċi Sistema ta 'inverter li tikkonnettja dijagramma Dettalji ta 'immaġini Ippakkjar u Kunsinna X'tip ta...
Prezz ta 'Unità:USD 429 - 451 / OthersTrasport:Ocean,Land,AirImballaġġ:Pakkett ta 'Esportazzjoni StandardAbbiltà tal-Provvista:3000 sets per monthProduttività:3000 sets per monthDeskrizzjoni tal-prodott Speċifikazzjoni Ippakkjar u Kunsinna Biex tiżgura aħjar is-sigurtà tal-merkanzija tiegħek, servizzi professjonali, favur l-ambjent, konvenjenti u effiċjenti se jiġu pprovduti. Kumpanija Profie FAQ
3.5kW-5.5kW Inverter ta 'Frekwenza Għolja (MPPT)
Suzhou Whaylan new energy technology co., Ltd. is located in Suzhou Wuzhong Economic Development zone. It is a new energy conversion electric power equipment, energy storage transformation, energy management, on the basis of independent research and development, production, sales and after-sales service in the integration of high-tech enterprises, business scope covers from grid photovoltaic inverter, energy storage system, off-grid power generation systems and other fields.
Why Choose Us
Suzhou Whaylan new energy technology co., Ltd. is located in Suzhou Wuzhong Economic Development zone. It is a new energy conversion electric power equipment, energy storage transformation, energy management, on the basis of independent research and development, production.
Whaylan always adhere to the concept of "innovation drives development, science and technology leads the future."